Excellent writing, Tami. I'm a happy new subscriber. Luckily, this is the United States, not Austria, or - God forbid - Lithuania where the spirit of Stalin is alive and well in every crevice of society. I am optimistic that we will vanquish this evil because if the US falls, the world falls instantly too (you could argue much of it - NZ, OZ, Canada - has fallen already) In the words of 15th century Czech church reformer and philosopher, Jan Hus: "Truth Shall Prevail"

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Hi Tami. Good stuff. I just followed you on Twitter (@quepasa2) and subscribed. Keep up the good work. I have a substack too (https://markcapasso.substack.com). If you get a minute, please check it out and consider subscribing if you like it. Thanks. Keep up the good work! - Mark C

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